Terms & Conditions


1. Scope of application

The following terms and conditions apply to all orders placed via our online shop by consumers and entrepreneurs. A consumer is any natural person who enters into a legal transaction for purposes that can predominantly be attributed neither to his commercial nor to his independent professional activity. An entrepreneur is a natural or legal person or a partnership with legal capacity who, when concluding a legal transaction, acts in the exercise of his commercial or self-employed professional activity. Producer is a company, which is producing the items listed in our online shop. The following shall apply to entrepreneurs: If the entrepreneur uses conflicting or supplementary general terms and conditions, their validity is hereby objected to; they shall only become part of the contract if we have expressly agreed to them.

2. Contracting party, conclusion of contract, correction options

The purchase order is not concluded with Introtex Services Srl. The orders placed here are just the request for the production of the selected items and will be concluded after receiving the final confirmation from each supplier and fulfilment of their appropriate terms and conditions of business.

3. Contract language, contract text storage

The language available for the conclusion of the contract: English. We store the contract text and send you the order data and our terms and conditions in text form. You can view the contract text in our customer login.

4. Terms of delivery

Shipping costs and valid local VAT may be added to the indicated product prices. You can find out more about the shipping costs in the final order confirmation of each producer, which will be sent to you via email. The orders will be delivered only in the dispatch way. They do not deliver to packing stations. A pickup of the goods could be possible upon an agreement with the producer. Decisive for this contract are the General Terms and Conditions of each producer.

5. Payment

Payment conditions and bank data for payments will be confirmed to you by each producer on their final order confirmation, which will be sent to you via email. Generally, you may expect, that the producer will ask for 30% prepayment before start of the production and 70% payment before shipment.

6. Right of withdrawal

Consumers and Entrepreneurs are granted a voluntary right of withdrawal only according to the General Terms and Conditions of each producer.

7. Retention of title

The condition will be confirmed in General Terms and Conditions of each producer. Generally and not binding information:

  • The goods remain property of each producer until full payment has been made.

  • Entrepreneurs may resell the goods in their ordinary course of business;

  • In case of any claim you can contact the producer directly or we can collect the claims you may have and forward them to the producer.

8. Transport damage

The following applies to consumers: If goods are delivered with obvious transport damage, please complain about such defects to the delivery company as soon as possible and contact us or producer immediately. Failure to make a complaint or contact us has no consequences for your legal claims and their enforcement, in particular your warranty rights. However, they help the producer to be able to assert their own claims against the carrier or the transport insurance.

9. Warranty and guarantees 
     9.1 Liability for defects

The statutory law on liability for defects shall apply according to the General Terms and Conditions of producer.

    9.2 Guarantees and customer service

Information on any warranties that may apply and their exact conditions can be found with the final order confirmation. Customer service: You can reach our customer service for questions, complaints and objections on weekdays from 9:30 to 14 o’clock under the telephone number +49 173 285 34 as well as by e-mail under info (@) fashionemotions.com.

10. Dispute resolution

The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (OS), which you can find here. We are not obliged or willing to participate in a dispute resolution procedure before a consumer arbitration board.

11. Final provisions

If you are an entrepreneur, European law shall apply to the exclusion of the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods. If you are a merchant within the meaning of the European Commercial Code, a legal entity under public law or a special fund under public law, the exclusive place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising from contractual relationships between us and you is our place of business